Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hanukkah - Take Two

Theo saw mom cooking some latkes tonight, so he wanted to make some of his own.

Then he had to one up mom by balancing a latke on his head.

Happy Hanukkah!

Theo lighting the candle on the first night of his first hanukkah.


Theo sizing up his gift.

It looks like he's not quite sure what to make of his cuddle mirror yet, but he warmed up to it this morning as he admired his smiles in it.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Is that chair getting smaller?

No, silly, Theo's getting bigger.
Theo at 3 days old.

Theo at 1 month old.

Theo at 2 months old.
I think his feet are the only thing that haven't grown.


Quite a few changes have occurred now that Theo is 2 months old!  Here are a few that we have captured on camera.

At 24 inches, Theo has exceeded the length capacity of his Moses basket and has officially moved into his crib.

Theo's first night in his crib.  Greg daringly used the flash for this photo, but since the crib is so comfy, Theo didn't even notice.

Since Theo has been doing so well holding his head up, I thought we would try out his Prince Lionheart chair.  He hasn't mastered it yet, but he held his head up long enough to take this photo.

One of his (and Greg's) favorite evening activities is reading.  He even follows the pictures from page to page.

Theo has FINALLY started to tolerate his swing.  I think it's mostly the elephants hanging above that he is interested in, but he enjoys it nonetheless.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Theo loves watching Mom cook, so it was no surprise he wanted to watch her prepare the bird.   He was in awe that the turkey weighed more than him.

Once the turkey came out of the oven, he was ready to chow.  Next year he'll be ready for turkey and all the trimmings.

He did still manage to stuff himself, and in typical Thanksgiving fashion, he had to unsnap his pants after dinner.

7 week check-up

Theo visited the pediatrician on Tuesday and there was good news and bad news.  The goods news is he gained 3 pounds in the last 4 weeks making him a whopping 11.2 pounds!  He also grew 3 inches since he was born which puts him at 23 3/4 inches and in the 90-95th percentile for height.

The bad news:

Theo had his very first vaccinations.  He was very brave and only cried for a few minutes after receiving the shot. He already forgot about it by the time I got his pants back on, with the only reminder being his Rugrats bandaid.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Zadie is how old?!?!

I think that deserves a smile.

Happy Birthday, Zadie!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy Birthday, G1!

Mommy and Daddy tried for about 20 minutes to get me to smile, but I wouldn't give it up.  Don't get me wrong...I can do it. I just can't do it on command yet.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Squeaky Clean!

Theo has really embraced bath time.  He enjoys a good soak twice a week, so he thought he would share some photos.  Please note some pictures have been censored.

Fist bump anyone?

All done!

Monday, November 2, 2009

X is for...


In honor of Greg, Theo chose to be an X-ray for Halloween.  The weather was perfect with only a slight mist, so we headed to Delancey Street, which is a Philadelphia Halloween tradition.  The residents dress up and sit on their front steps handing out candy to all the neighborhood children.  Theo was a huge hit, creating quite a commotion everywhere we went.  We even received requests from strangers to take photos of our little X-Ray.

Theo was very excited to spot some fellow X-rays and insisted on posing with them.

I think Theo is already excited about next Halloween, but I dont think he realizes he has to wait a whole year.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa Strunk!

Hi Grandma and Grandpa!  Mom and Dad have been very busy keeping up with me, and they are late sending you a card for your 50th Anniversary.  Now, they are making me pose for this sneak preview.  It should arrive soon.  Of course, I am not included.  Happy Anniversary.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Tea Time

Mom and Dad have been talking all morning about having afternoon tea to celebrate their 4th wedding anniversary.  I was so excited to go, and they dressed me up in my hand knit yellow sweater made by my Meemaw.  Don't I look dapper?

Well the joke was on me.  They bundled me up in tons of blankets so I would be warm on the walk, and I fell asleep missing the whole affair.

Here are a few photos before, during, and after tea time.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I got some gifts today!

Today in the mail several gifts came for me.  I loved them all, so I just had to pose with them before the camera.  First, came a box of special cupcakes from NY sent by my mom's coworkers.  I didn't even get a chance to taste one of them.  Instead mom and dad ate each and every last one.

I got a cake to eat from Aunt Janice and the Blocks.  I couldn't wait to take a bite.  My parent's were excited because it was made of diapers and towels so I stay clean.  Now I am wearing part of it.

Last came a dump truck full of candy from Grandpa Nadolski.  I took it for a spin around the kitchen and by the time I came back the candy was nowhere to be found.  I think I might know who's guilty.

Thank you everyone for the wonderful gifts.  I loved them all, but please next time don't address them to my parents so I can have even more fun.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The final cut

Eight days after his birth came the day for Theo's bris.  The Mohel performed a very thoughtful and sincere ceremony.  Everyone agreed he did an excellent job.  Theo handled the stress well.  After the ceremony, he  slept most of the day while being held by all the family who had gathered to support him.

Selly and Greg quickly reviewing the ceremony with the Mohel.

Vanessa, Monica, and Julie brought Theo to the Mohel to begin the bris which began with lighting of the candles by the parents.

Then a kiss from all the grandparents.

 Fred holds Theo as the Mohel explains the significance of the bris and leads the grandparents in prayer.   Then Selly and Greg bless Theodore before the final cut.

Wine, iodine, hurricane spray, then filet.  That's a wrap.

By the end of the procedure, his pain had subsided, and he was ready to recover in mom's arms and enjoy the conclusion of the ceremony.  Next post will include some photos from the post-op celebration.